Thursday, June 25, 2015

#DoodlersAnonymous365: May

I started making fake EPs a while back. For the may daily drawings I made a bunch of fake band fake EPs. Went black instead of white this time to give my feed a little change.

More on instagram.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Remake: The Book by BOOOOOOOM

Years back (say 2012-2013) BOOOOOOOM made an open call for art remakes for a future book they were planning on making. I being myself, decided to summit 2 of the remakes I made for my Photography II class back in 2012. I forgot all about it until weeks ago, I received an email asking for my mail address to mail me the book. I did make it into the book! I got two copies and felt all the feelings when I saw my face inside the book.

Moral of the story: I will never stop sending stuff whenever an open call is made cause, so far, I've been lucky enough to be published in two different projects! PSYCHED!

Thank you, BOOOOOOOM!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

#DoodlersAnonymous365: April

April was actually a surprise. Modafoca makes this word list every year for people to draw something according to the word of the day from said list. I already had a theme for April but decided to change things a little bit and went for the #1dibujoaldiaabril thing. Needles to say, it was chaotic. I didn't know what to doodle, I had to google for some reference, but in the end, I actually manage to finished it up.

More on instagram.

#DoodlersAnonymous365: March

March was my favorite month so far. Ever since I was little, I had a fascination with food illustrations. I remember having this Disney English/Spanish book and always going to the Kitchen section just so I can see the drawings. Honoring that never ending love, I decided to make traditional dishes from different countries the theme for March.

See the rest on my instagram.

#DoodlersAnonymous365: February

February was a little bit tricky. I had to make a list of 28 tv shows/movies I've watched and draw a character that I thought represented the show/movie. Some I liked, some I did not but it was a pretty fun month. February was also the month I remembered I had a scanner app on my cel and it made my photo of the doodle experience 100% better.

You can see the rest on my instagram.

#DoodlersAnonymous365: January

Doodlers Anonymous started this hashtag back in January where they asked to draw something everyday for an entire year. I've been trying to make 365 projects or any project yearly since 2012 so I gave it a try. So far I haven't missed a single day. To make it more interesting (and leaving my brain cells intact) I make a calendar with themes per month. January was all about patterns.

You can see the rest of them on my instagram account.