Saturday, September 21, 2013

{27ª Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales}

Last Friday I went to the 27ª Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales. As usual, a bunch of kids from some school where there. I listened to people talk about certain pieces in a... let's just say you don't want to hear those comments ever again, a guy who works at the museum saw my Batman shirt and started to talk about it and how he had "the whole batman outfit when I was 17", and my polaroid failing on me when I tried to take a photo of something and it turning out to be completely black. As for the pieces this year I'm not entirely sure what to think of them. Some I like, some I did not.

Sibylle Denis Touat "Metissage, Metizaje"

Colectivo La Banda de Frenos "Los Honorables"

Colectivo La Banda de Frenos "Los Honorables" (detalle)

Colectivo La Banda de Frenos "Los Honorables" (detalle)
Madeline Jiménez "Aviso Oportuno" (detalle)
As for the animations, I really like "Palos" by Tomás Pichardo"

MANNER - Big Fun from MANNER on Vimeo.

Really disappointed at how my photos turned out. I really need to get a camera. In the meantime I'll have to manage. 

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